Color and brand go hand-in-hand … when we designed the Conveyance logo and designed and built our website, we put a lot of thought into what we would be saying through color.

Our business name is represented in two different tones of blue. Blue depicts productivity; people focused on the task at hand, steadfastness, dependability, wisdom and loyalty. That is what we look for in our team.

Orange is used as a big, bold accent in our logo and predominantly on our website; it screams ambition, energy and fun times. We wouldn’t be business owners if we didn’t have a heavy dose of ambition and trust me on this … we are a lot of fun. Our motto: family, fun, work (in that order!)

Green is a subtle accent; it depicts growth, harmony, support and well-paced energy. This too speaks to our team and our ambition – we have ambition but we don’t want to grow too fast and be too flashy – we want balance.

What got me thinking about the psychology of color was a story I read in Yahoo! the other day. The article spoke about Queen Victoria’s choice to wear a white wedding dress. At the time, brides didn’t wear white – not because they weren’t virtuous, it just wasn’t in style. Brides of her day wore red, purple and black!

She chose white strictly for psychological or perhaps political reasons. She wanted to show her people that she would run the country in an economical way. White was a much less expensive color to make. Plus, it gave her the option of using some lace that she already owned, rather than having something specially made.

Today we associate white with creativity, purity, cleanliness and safety. Color conceptions change with time … you can be sure that Conveyance will be on top of it!